Tomorrow’s  Bio Today

Tomorrow’s Bio Today was established in 2018 with the goal of delivering a less invasive and cost effective alternative to the traditional Colonoscopy and Endoscopy. We have since spent five years innovating and improving on our now Patent Pending product the “SIGH CAM”. We have created a wonderful team consisting of individuals who have different expertise and backgrounds that have come together to develop and improve health technologies. David White ( CEO- Background in Computer Programming, and Biology), Chris Parke ( CTO - Background in Advanced Computer Operations and Software Management.), Zach Bartemy ( Lead Electrical Engineer- Background in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), Katherine Campbell ( CPA- Background in Taxes, Budgeting, and Financial Reports).

The Problem
  • 91 Million Head of Cattle
  • 7 Million Horses
  • 5 Million Sheep
  • 30,000 large animal vets
These numbers represent the large disproportion of animals they may need medical attention and the low number of qualified individuals to provide those services

Why is SIGH CAM the solution?
  • Cheaper than traditional Colonoscopies and Endoscopies.
  • Safer for vets to administer 
  • Allows for vets to capture images of  more animals in a shorter amount of time
  • You will be able to view the images within seconds of what the camera captures
  • Those images could be used as a way to make correlations in illness being passed by certain animals  and help to create better treatment plans
  • Images can be used as a way to advertise the cleanliness of the meat we are going to consume.
  • Non-Provisional Patent Pending 
  • We are currently on stage 3 of 4 for our product. Which means we have worked out our design and just need to test it for large scale manufacturing and use.
  • We have been nominated for the Maryland Rising Star Award
  • Testifying before the Senate for SB 699 and the House for HB 781
  • We are working towards a MIPS grant, 
  •  We have been accepted to submit a full proposal to the NSF for an SBIR/STTR grant, Follow up on funding.
  • Gearing up to raise $5 Million in crowd funding
Accomplishments image